I joined at the beginning of the fall semester, back in September. After 5 weeks of pledging, I became a full Brother in the fraternity. It's been a lot of fun and I wouldn't trade my time with these fine people for anything in the world.
We were a little low on members at the beginning of the Spring Semester, so I became a Pledge Educator. Basically, that made me responsible for all of the Spring pledges, such as making sure they are prepared for all the fraternity events and knowing the basic facts. That picture above is them. I'm very proud of all of them: they passed their exam with flying colors, showed up to all the pledge classes, did well in the interviews, and put on some awesome events for the full Brothers.
Welcome to the club!
I've been up to other things as well. School stuff...this semester has been dramatically tougher than my previous ones, and it may lower my GPA somewhat. Right now, I'm guessing that I will be getting a 3.4 (in contrast to my historic 3.83), though I could still pull off a 3.83 if I do well on the remaining tests.
Something usually happens to give me good grades...call it luck. Let's see if it holds. ;)
I've also done some switching around in Cybernations. Since my last post, I became a full nuclear power, rose to Secretary of Defense in the Fifth Column Confederation, and recently left the Confederation and become a member in the Viridian Entente. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm presently involved in my first alliance war against Inertia. I feel a bit bad about doing so much damage to my opponent (22o infra, plus god knows how much tech and land damage), especially since it ain't even a fair fight, but war is war.
Anyways, that's where I've been.
I believe that you are wrong in your opinion on the war against Inertia. You do not feel bad at all. You revel in the glory you bring upon yourself by destroying weaker nations.
Death to America!
Muffin cake.
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